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Call for Papers is OPEN

The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) Board of Directors, the 2025 Program Committee, and its sponsoring organizations, invite you to submit a paper proposal presenting your technical solutions, innovations, advancements, and knowledge at the premier offshore energy conference and tradeshow planned to take place 5–8 May 2025 in Houston, Texas, USA.

 OTC 2025 will explore the trends, challenges, and advancements affecting the offshore sector on a global scale. 

Proposals will be accepted through 10 September 2024.


OTC looks forward to receiving high-quality submissions that will help shape a vibrant future for the offshore industry and contribute to our world-class technical program. 

NEED INSPIRATION? Access the OTC 2024 Papers

Help Shape a Vibrant Future for the Offshore Energy Sector

OTC will include presentations discussing technical solutions, innovations, and advancements of all aspects of the offshore energy industry.

Authors selected for participation at OTC 2025 will have their paper published on OnePetro®, the most valuable international technical resource for all specialists of the upstream segment while presenting their solutions to navigating the changing energy landscape in front of more than 30,000 attendees.

Contribute to our world-class technical program across a wide variety of topics including:

  • Carbon Capture and Storage and Utilization
  • Decommissioning / Abandonment
  • Digital Transformation, Digital Technologies and Data Management
  • Drilling Technology
  • Energy Transition and Renewable Energy
  • Facilities and Production Operations
  • Field Development & Megaprojects
  • Floaters and Mooring Systems
  • Flow Assurance
  • Geoscience
  • Geotechnical
  • Geothermal
  • Health, Safety, and Environment / Governance and Regulation
  • Hydrogen
  • Installation / Construction / Pipelay and Operations
  • Integrity Management and Life Extension
  • Marine Mining
  • Materials Technology
  • Metocean
  • Offshore Decarbonization and Sustainability
  • Offshore Pipelines
  • Offshore Unconventional Resources and EOR
  • Offshore Wind
  • Project Management, Economics and Contracting
  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Riser Systems
  • Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning
  • Subsea and Topsides Production and Processing Systems
  • Well Completion Technology

Thank you for your efforts, and we greatly appreciate your continuing support as we navigate the changing energy landscape at OTC 2025.

Jim Kaculi

Jim Kaculi
OTC 2025 Program Committee Chairperson


The Enhanced Role of Digital Solutions

The OTC Program Committee recognizes the industry’s focus on topics related to remote operations, minimally staffed facilities, and the enabling role of data management and digital solutions and welcomes those submissions.

  • Energy Transition and the Evolving Role of Oil and Gas: Is there still need for exploration?
  • Best Practices and Experiences in Lowering Carbon Footprint in Operations
  • Large Integrated Major Projects Including Carbon Capture and Sequestration
  • Repurposing Knowledge and Experience: Offshore Engineering and Construction; Geotechnical; Metocean and Renewables such as Offshore Wind, etc.
  • Business and Energy Investments and New Business Development Opportunities
  • Innovation: University Research, Incubators, Venture Capital/Private Equity Investments
  • Minerals and Materials for New Energies

Submission Instructions

Sample Abstract

An abstract demonstrates that your paper will:

  • Contribute technically sound knowledge in a particular area of petroleum technology.
  • Present new knowledge or experience that has not been published previously.
  • Not be commercial in nature and will not promote specific companies, products, or services.

View Sample

Abstract FAQs


OTC events bring together offshore energy experts from across the globe to share best practices, technical innovations, and emerging trends.

The conferences have a strong reputation for world-class technical programs. 

Abstract FAQs

Writing an Abstract

When submitting an abstract, don't forget to:

  • Secure company clearance and approvals from the appropriate department(s).
  • Ensure the company understands that if the abstract is accepted, you will be required to write a manuscript, sign a transfer of copyright, and present at the conference.
  • Find your login information, and make sure your SPE Profile is up to date.

Writing an Abstract

Helpful Reminders and Resources

The Paper Proposal Form

The maximum word count is 450 words.

  • Outline the objective, scope, and nature of the work upon which the paper is based.
  • Describe the possible applications of the information provided in the paper.
  • Summarize the results and major conclusions to be presented in the paper.
  • Describe any other information that is important to your submission.


Selection Criteria

The program committee will observe five criteria when selecting papers for the conference.

Authors whose paper proposals are accepted will be required to provide a manuscript for the conference proceedings, copyright forms, and a paper information form by 4 February 2025.


Abstract Submission Deadline

10 September 2024






Countdown to OTC 2025!