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About the University R&D Showcase

The OTC University R&D Showcase provides universities the opportunity to share with attendees their innovative projects and research happening at their university as it pertains to offshore technology. Universities showcasing their projects will be located in NRG Center, Level, 1, Booth 226.

Universities receive the opportunity to expose their current and planned projects to more than 30,000 industry professionals!

Application Process 

Application Process 

  • Only accredited colleges or universities will be considered.
  • No more than one project per University Department or College accepted.
  • Applicants must use an official university email.
  • Showcase content MUST be related to Offshore Technology.
Program Details

Program Details

Participating universities will showcase their R&D projects during the four days of the conference. As a participating university, you will be provided with the following:

  • Four complimentary access passes to OTC. Special Events Tickets can be purchased for an additional fee.
  • University logo featured on the OTC website.
  • Social Media campaign designed to increase awareness around your university and/or project.
  • One six-foot tabletop (behind which you can position visual display walls), two chairs.
  • One power strip for electrical needs.
  • One parking pass per participating university.

The university will be responsible for setting up their showcase by 0900 hours (CDT) and removing all materials by 1700 hours (CDT) on their assigned day.

Countdown to OTC 2025!