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Photo and Video Policy

The following guidelines apply to attendees, exhibiting personnel, and exhibitor-appointed photographers at the Offshore Technology Conference.

>> No audio or video recording or still photography may occur without OTC’s permission.

>> Attendees, exhibiting personnel, and exhibitor-appointed photographers are prohibited from shooting video or photos anywhere in the sessions and the indoor and outdoor exhibition areas. If you see any unauthorized persons who are using cameras of any sort (including camera phones) in the sessions or indoor and outdoor exhibition areas, please contact Exhibit Management.

>> Exhibitors are permitted to shoot video or take photographs under the following guidelines:

  • In their own booth for promotional use at any time the exhibition is open, without seeking OTC’s permission.
  • At their company press conference held in the OTC press conference room.
  • By using outside photographers and video crews. Outside photographers and video crews are required to obtain permission from OTC Press Room to shoot photos or video of the exhibition.
  • Outside photographers and video crews do not qualify for press badges.
  • Outside video crews or photographer must use an Exhibitor-Appointed Contractor badge.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for supervising the activities of outside video crews and photographers so that they comply with OTC guidelines.

>>  Exhibitors are not permitted to shoot anywhere else on the OTC exhibition floor or anywhere else throughout the conference.

  • When shooting photography or video in their own booth, no other Exhibitor’s booth may appear in the shot. OTC Press Room staff can provide overall shots of the exhibition or other aspects of OTC if needed. Please contact the OTC press office at
  • After-hours photography or video are not permitted without making arrangements in advance with OTC exhibit staff.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for all their company personnel and as such are responsible for communicating these Exhibit Regulations as well as all rules to their employees.

Video/photography/audio news media guidelines will be posted in early 2025 on the press page of the OTC 2025 website. To arrange for Press Video/Photo/Radio Opportunities please contact

Exhibitor Staff Penalties for Violating the OTC Photography Policy

>>  First Warning: Exhibitor staff will receive a verbal warning about the policy from OTC Staff. They will receive a notation on their exhibitor badge indicating that they have received an initial verbal warning.

OTC will also inform the exhibiting company’s primary contact about the incident and the consequences for a second offense.

>>  Second Warning: Exhibitor staff badge will be confiscated, and the exhibitor staff person will be escorted off the premises by OTC Staff.

The exhibiting company will also lose 10% or 100 priority points, whichever is greater, for OTC.

OTC is organized and operated exclusively to promote and further advance scientific and technical knowledge of offshore resources and environmental matters. To maintain the unparalleled technological experience, OTC must enforce a photography and videography policy which will protect the leading-edge technology showcased at the event.

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