January 2025
13 January
- 100% Booth Space Balance Due
- Space rate increases from USD 44 to USD 46 per sqft.
13 January
5 March - List of Exhibiting Companies Due (Pavilions Only)
17 March
26 March - Discount Price Deadline for Vendor Services & Order Forms
4 April
Important Notice!
As of 2021 OTC, drayage is no longer a covered item included with exhibit space. Exhibitors will be responsible for all drayage charges incurred.
Email OTC Exhibit Management | Avoid Event Scams! |
Email Housing and Registration (Maritz) | Event Code of Conduct |
Phone: 864.342.6315 | Manage Your Account |
Email General Contractor/Booth Services (Freeman) | Terms and Conditions |
Phone/Text: 888-508-5054 | Exhibition Schedule |
Exhibitor Newsletters |
Please Note: We collect and share personal information that you provide to us in order to communicate with, and provide information and services to, you regarding the event. We have a legitimate interest in processing your personal information for these reasons. For more information, please see our privacy policy.
What is included with your exhibition space:
Center space includes:
Outdoor exhibit space includes:
What is not included with with your exhibition space:
Floor covering for your booth – this is required. You can either bring your own floor covering or rent from Freeman, our General Services Contractor. Freeman ordering information can be found in our Exhibitor Service Kit (coming in November 2024).
Booth furnishings – any furnishings including a table, chairs, a wastebasket, any kind of lighting must be brought in by you or rented from Freeman.
Electrical power - You must order any electrical power service needed for your booth space. Power can be ordered from our electrical partner, Freeman Electric. Their order forms and pricing can be found in the Exhibitor Service Kit.
WiFi – there is no WiFi service in the exhibit hall – only in the common areas outside the Hall. You can order WiFi service in our Exhibitor Service Kit.
Lead retrieval – you can purchase a Lead Retrieval system from our Registration Vendor, Maritz, that will allow you to scan attendee badges and collect their contact information. This can be purchased in advance via our Exhibitor Service Kit.
Material handling – if you have any items shipped to your attention at your exhibit booth, there will be a charge to collect the shipment and transport it to your booth. Please see our Rules and Regulations on what can be hand-carried into the exhibition. All shipping and drayage costs are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
Exhibitor Insurance – All exhibitors MUST carry an insurance policy that conforms to OTC's requirements (insurance requirements are available on the Exhibitor Resources page and on your exhibition contract. If you don’t have insurance, you can purchase a low-cost policy from our vendor, RainProtection.
EXHIBITION SCHEDULE (Including Move-In & Move-Out Details)
***Exhibitors may arrive as early as 7:00am on Monday-Thursday, 5-8 May. Any other arrangements must be made in advance with Aleigha Frazier - afrazier@otcnet.org.***
Booth Move in begins Tuesday, 29 April 2025 at noon. Please refer to the target move-in map above for your date/time. Request for additional time must be submitted in writing to afrazier@otcnet.org.
All booths must be fully set by 1700 hours on Saturday, 3 May 2025. NRG Park is closed to all exhibitors on Sunday, 4 May 2025.
If you will NOT begin set-up until Saturday, 3 May 2025 after NOON, you MUST notify Show Management via the Late Set-Up Notification form.
Please be sure to pre-order any services you may need ahead of time in order to avoid delays on-site such as furniture, electricity, and carpet. Exhibitors who have not notified show management of late arrival, and carpet has not been ordered, the exhibitor will be assumed a no-show and carpet will be forced at the exhibitor's expense and space will be resold.
Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) are defined as cars, pick-up trucks, vans, small tow trailers, and other trucks less than 12 feet. If you will be delivering your booth items by way of POV, please refer to the document below that correlates with the area your booth is located.
Personal Vehicle Freight Arrival/Departure Instructions (PDF) - Coming April 2025
Must check in at the Freeman Marshalling Yard.
Marshalling Yard Driving Directions - April 2025
Map to the Marshalling Yard - April 2025
Dismantling Hours and Important Instructions - Coming Soon!
Early tear-down, vacating or dis-mantling your booth is strictly prohibited. Failure to observe this rule will result in a fine of USD $1,000. Should an Exhibitor begin to dismantle or vacate its exhibit space before the official close of the show, the Exhibitor will be penalized ten (10) points from their priority point total, if applicable, invoiced USD $1,000, and be subject to loss of their right to participate in future OTC events. Floor managers/Exhibit Staff/Security Staff will report the names of companies in violation of this rule to Show Management. An email along with an invoice will be sent post-show, informing Exhibitors of their penalty, and Exhibitor will not be permitted to participate in future OTC events until all outstanding balances are collected. Exhibitors are responsible for notifying their booth personnel of this regulation. In fairness to all Exhibitors, this regulation will be uniformly enforced for all OTC Exhibitors.
Please Note: Failure to abide by show regulations can and will result in the loss of Priority Points.
The exhibition halls aisles will be carpeted; therefore, flooring IS mandatory for 2025.
Electricity, furniture, carpet, and trashcans are NOT included with your booth space purchase and should be ordered separately.
NRG Center Details
Outdoor Details
MULTI-LEVEL BOOTH NOTIFICATION FORM - This form must be completed and submitted to the Fire Marshal at Xavier.williams@houstontx.gov with a copy to otc.events@spe.org no later than 17 March (along with your booth design for approval). Please note - this requirement is for multi-level booths only. If your multi-level booth uses the exact same design as 2024, the Fire Marshall will accept a notarized letter on company letterhead to that affect, in lieu of resubmitting the design specs. All communications should be directed to: Inspector Xavier Williams at Xavier.williams@houstontx.gov with a copy to otc.events@spe.org.
OTC does require each exhibitor to have insurance, however, we do NOT require proof of insurance. If you do not currently have insurance coverage, we recommend reaching out to RainProtection Insurance. Click here for additional information.
If you will be hiring a contractor to install and/or dismantle your booth, please see the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) Details section in the accordion below.
(Click here for Exhibitor Registration & Guest invitation instructions - PDF)
The number of complimentary Full Conference Registrations is five (5) per 100 square feet of contracted exhibit space and are for the purpose of registering booth personnel working the booth or 3rd party contractors assisting with your cleaning or build. Exhibitor Registration includes access to the technical sessions and the exhibition. All other OTC events (Distinguished Achievement Award Event) and/or digital Proceedings can be purchased when you register. You will need your Exhibitor Password in order to access registration (the same password you use to access your exhibitor portal.)
Any staff needing access to the exhibit floor on show days, (including booth staff and third-party contractors), must be registered and wearing an exhibitor badge.
Onsite Registration Hours
Thursday, 1 May 0800 to 1700
Friday, 2 May 0800 to 1700
Saturday, 3 May 0800 to 1700
Monday, 5 May 0700 to 1700
Tuesday, 6 May 0730 to 1700
Wednesday, 7 May 0730 to 1700
Thursday, 8 May 0730 to 1400
Any staff needing access during set up or tear down ONLY will not need to be fully registered. Instead, they can check in at specific check-in spots onsite and receive a colored wristband from staff and security. If you are hiring third-party contractors. please visit the "third-party contractor EAC accordion" for additional information and instruction.
All staff must be prepared to provide a government-issued photo ID.
Stay Safe. Avoid Attendee and Exhibitor Scams!
Maritz is the official registration and housing vendor for OTC.
You may encounter other companies or websites claiming to process OTC registration or assist with hotel booking, but they are not associated with OTC nor the conference and are not authorized to use the OTC name or trademark. All attendees should be alert while registering in order to avoid potential scams and should report any concerns to meetingsotc@otcnet.org.
If you have any questions regarding registration or require assistance, please contact Maritz Global Events Customer Service at +1.864.580.4485 or email OTCexh@maritz.com.
For Housing and Travel Information, please visit the 'Attend' button on the main event website.
Pavilion Organizer Resources
In order to secure the early bird rate, we require that you contract with OTC by 15 July 2024, with the option to hand back space without penalty until 13 January 2025 when 100% payment will be due.
We ask that you provide an update on space requirements by mid- November and mid-December 2024.
Payment Terms:
Option to hand back space without penalty until 13 January 2025 when 100% payment will be due.
We ask that you provide an update on space requirements by mid- November and mid-December 2024.
Organizers, you are welcome to use the Pavilion Registration Grid to import your registrations and upload into the Maritz system. For more information and instructions please click the Registration button above and login by searching for your company name and using your unique company password, then click the "Manage Group" button.
Please Note: Conference registration for co-exhibitors is the responsibility of the Organizer and cannot be done by individuals from co-exhibiting companies.
For questions regarding registration, please contact Maritz Global Events Customer Service at +1.864.580.4485 or ExhibitorServices@Maritz.com
Organizers must use the official ‘OTC Pavilion Co-Exhibitor Spreadsheet’ to provide Show Management with the following information:
- Full LEGAL name of each participating company
- Any acronym in which the company might use
- Contact name
- Email Address
- Corporate description
- OTC booth number assigned
- Any additional information requested on said spreadsheet (all columns must be completed)
This information must be submitted to Show Management no later than 60 days prior to the opening of the show. **Please allow up to 5 business days for returned passwords. If you have an influx of new companies, please allow 7 business days, as new companies must be set-up in a system outside of OTC exhibits. Once your co-exhibitors have been added, Show Management will send confirmation and company specific passwords to the Organizer – the co-exhibitors can then log into their portals to purchase guest invitations, make housing reservations, etc.
View the Parking Map - Coming January 2025
Purchase Parking Passes
Click here to view directions to NRG Park, shuttle information, and much more!
Book your hotel arrangements through OTC’s official provider, Maritz, and receive complimentary shuttle service to and from NRG Park from selected hotels.
View Shuttle Route - Coming Soon!
Click here to generate an Official OTC Electronic Invitation Letter, obtain information to apply for a Visa, and to learn more about international travel to OTC.
Contracted exhibitors receive a complimentary full listing, which includes:
Your exhibitor profile is an attendee's first impression of your company, so it is very important to make sure this information is current and reads exactly as you wish for it to appear in your online listing. To get started, please log into the Exhibitor Portal using your unique, case sensitive company password (found on your booth space confirmation letter). If you are in need of password assistance, please email OTC.
Once you have logged in, click on "Edit Company Listing" and make your updates. In your portal, you see several options available to enhance and upgrade your listing.
Once completed, it is imperative to click on ‘Save’ regardless of whether changes are made, this will alert management that your profile has been reviewed.
You can add up to three (3) co-exhibitors. All co-exhibiting companies are required to be registered by the Main Exhibitor.
Co-Exhibitor Registration fee:
USD 250 per co-exhibitor
The following may be added to your account as co-exhibitors:
Co-exhibitors will receive the same basic listing received by contracted exhibitors (listed above).
Once the request has been approved and entered, we will send the Main Exhibitor a copy of the invoice for payment, along with the co-exhibitor password which will allow them to log into their account and purchase profile upgrades if desired. Registrations must be paid in full at least 30-days before show opening. NO REFUNDS!
Failure to submit the required information and payment for each of your co-exhibitors may result in a fine of up to 1/2 the amount of your booth space and the ability to exhibit at future OTC events.
Submit your Co-Exhibitor Notification form.
International Pavilion organizers, please use the official ‘OTC Pavilion Co-Exhibitor Spreadsheet’ located in the Exhibitor Resources page under the 'Pavilion Organizer Resources' accordion.
Exhibitors are required to communicate all rules and regulations to your appointed contractor(s). We recommend that you review the information below and that you follow up with your contractor to ensure all steps have been taken by the posted deadlines. Without paperwork and insurance, EACs will not be permitted onto the show floor.
If you have been hired to build/design booth space at this event, it is mandatory that you:
EACs needing access to the show floor during show days will need to be registered and badged. The EAC fee of $500 provides 5 complimentary EAC badges.
Once your Agreement and Certificate of Insurance have been received and reviewed, you will receive emailed communication stating that you have been approved, or requesting additional information if the required criteria has not been fulfilled.
If you need to add additional companies at a later date, please visit this section and submit another request via the online form. Please do not email requests for these additions directly to our email inbox.
EACs only needing access to the show floor during set-up and tear-down will not need to be badged. These employees will need to check in at the freight door each morning to obtain a colored wristband. They will be required to provide government-issued photo ID’s.
Please note–failure to follow the aforementioned processes will result in a delay or denial of access to the show floor.
Official Contractor:
Freeman is our Official Show Decorator and is exempt from the above.
Exclusive Contractors:
For insurance and safety reasons, Exclusive Contractors designated in the Official Exhibitor Services Manual MUST be used for services such as:
Please contact otc.events@otcnet.org with any questions. We appreciate your cooperation!
The aisles in NRG Center Exhibit Hall WILL be carpeted, therefore, ordering your flooring or bringing your own flooring is mandatory.
Furniture and Electricity are not included with your booth space. If needed, please see the drop downs below for ordering information.
NRG Center:
* Denotes Exclusive Providers. For these services, only these particular providers may be used.
**Denotes Preferred Providers.
Items below will be linked as the information becomes available.
Audio/Visual and Personal Computer Rental (Freeman)** - Coming Soon!
Booth Cleaning (NRG)* - Coming January 2025
Booth Security - (NRG)*
Booth Staff / Models
Carpet/Flooring - (Freeman)**
Catering - (Aramark)*
Drayage - (Freeman)* (Please refer to Material Handling Rates)
Electrical - (NRG)*
Exhibitor Insurance - Special Event Insurance - RainProtection
Furniture - (Freeman)**
Meeting Room/Room Rentals - (NRG)* Coming January 2025
Internet/Telephone- (Smart City) *
Material and Machinery Handling - (Freeman)*
Parking - (NRG)
Photography/Video - (Corporate Event Images)**
Plants - (Convention Plant Creations)*
Plumbing/Air/Water/Drain/Gas - (NRG)*
Advanced Warehouse Shipping Labels
Shipping (Domestic) - (Freeman)**
Shipping (International) - (Freeman)**
Special Transportation - (CMAC)
Vehicle Display Inspection Form NRG - Coming Soon
Record contact details of your booth space visitors by renting a lead retrieval unit. To order yours today, click here!
Invite existing or potential clients to visit you at the 2025 Offshore Technology Conference.
20 Free 4-Day Guest Invites included with your booth space. *This includes pavilion companies.
Additional Guest Invitations for the 2025 Offshore Technology Conference must be PRE-PURCHASED.
To order Guest Invitations, click here.
Exhibitor Registration & Guest invitation instructions - PDF
If you have any questions about this program, please contact the OTC Registration Team.
Downloadable Exhibitor Banners
Announce to your prospects and customers that you’ll be at OTC 2025 and effortlessly create a touchpoint using these ready-made promotional assets. Just add your company logo and share in emails, social media, and your website.
Social Media Toolkit
Spread the word about your presence at #OTC2024 on your company and personal social media channels. This toolkit contains key elements for overall posting. Thank you for your support of OTC! Be sure to follow our official social media channels for the conference on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Instagram for even more content. Coming Soon!
Exhibitor shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain insurance for the entire duration of the Event (move-in through move-out.)
All such insurance shall be primary of any other valid and collectible insurance of Exhibitor and shall be written on an occurrence basis. Claims made policies are not acceptable and do not constitute compliance with Exhibitor’s obligations under this paragraph.
The Exhibitors comprehensive General Liability and Auto Liability insurance policies shall name as additional insureds (i) Offshore Technology Conference, and each of its direct and indirect subsidiaries and other affiliates and (ii) the Event Facility *NRG Center* (with no limitations).
Exhibitor’s Workers Compensation and Occupational Disease insurance will be in full compliance with all federal and state laws, covering all Exhibitor’s employees engaged in the performance of any work for the Exhibitor. All property of the Exhibitor is understood to remain under its custody and control in transit to, during the Event, and from the confines of the hall. If requested, copies of additional insured endorsements, primary coverage endorsements and complete copies of policies satisfactory to OTC, shall be promptly furnished to OTC. Certified copies of the Certificates of Insurance or policies shall provide that they may not be cancelled without 30 days’ advance written notice to OTC. The Exhibitor shall obtain a waiver of subrogation from the carrier of each policy described above and the carrier of each other policy that provides fire, explosion or any other risk coverage insuring the Exhibitor’s property, in each case releasing in full such carrier’s subrogation rights.
While Exhibitors are required to have insurance coverage, proof of said coverage is not required.
Don't miss your chance to save up to USD 200 by registering today!