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Seafloor Assessment, Design and Installation Experience for Offshore Wind

Thursday, 8 May
Technical Session
This session has a primary focus on floating offshore wind advancements and innovations. FOWT and floating substation hull construction materials, types and modularization are explored through full-scale site assessment studies and model testing. Reliability targets and the subsequent means to achieve them with hull, mooring and subsea cable advancements and optimizations as well as a novel installation method of fixed offshore wind turbines are explored in the efforts to reduce and stabilize the levelized cost of electricity and reduce carbon emissions in brownfield applications.
Session Chairperson(s)
Evan Zimmerman, Chief Executive Officer - Merman Group Ltd.
Jason Pasternak, Technical Director - Americas - Delmar Systems, Inc.
Sponsoring Society:
  • Marine Technology Society (MTS)
  • 0930-0948 35858
    Tank Testing of Load Reduction Device for Floating Offshore Wind Moorings
    T. Doyle, Dublin Offshore Technology; S. Hasan, University College Dublin; D. Golden, Dublin Offshore Technology
  • 0950-1008 35779
    A Method for Comparing and Ranking Floating Offshore Wind Foundation Concepts
    M. Wyllie, A. Newport, OpenWater Renewables Ltd.
  • 1010-1028 35925
    Ventos De Libra Project: A New Concept for Supplying Energy in Ultradeep Water Floating Oil and Gas Platforms From Offshore Wind Power
    A. Prisco Petry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; J. Teixeira Rodrigues, Petrobras; J. Mattuella, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Y. Sakagami, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina; S. Möller, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; C. Lodi, Petrobras; E. Perondi, T. Hayashi, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; E.C. Dittrich, G. Galvao De Santana, L. Fontenele, Petrobras; J. Motta Da Silva, E.D. Basso, A. Medina, L. Ribeiro, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • 1030-1048 35766
    Modular Central-Located WTG Floating Offshore Wind Foundation
    J. Zou, Floating and Green Energy Consulting, LLC
  • 1050-1108 35869
    Concrete Floaters: A Promising Solution for Floating Wind Energy
    P. Collet, M. Féron, S. Le Guennec, TotalEnergies
  • 1110-1128 35693
    Floating Offshore Wind Subsea Cables
    R. Weeks, JDR Cable Systems (Holdings) Ltd.
  • 1130-1148 35921
    Solving the Fixed Offshore Wind Installation Bottleneck with a Crane-Less Jack Up Vessel
    A. Garcia, CLS Wind
  • Alternate 35731
    Semi-Submersible Floating Offshore Substation Wave Basin Model Test
    H. Song, GE Grid Solutions; Z. Tang, Genesis Energies

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