Seafloor Assessment, Design and Installation Experience for Offshore Wind
Thursday, 8 May
Technical Session
This session has a primary focus on floating offshore wind advancements and innovations. FOWT and floating substation hull construction materials, types and modularization are explored through full-scale site assessment studies and model testing. Reliability targets and the subsequent means to achieve them with hull, mooring and subsea cable advancements and optimizations as well as a novel installation method of fixed offshore wind turbines are explored in the efforts to reduce and stabilize the levelized cost of electricity and reduce carbon emissions in brownfield applications.
0930-0948 35858Tank Testing Of Load Reduction Device For Floating Offshore Wind Moorings
0950-1008 35779A Method For Comparing And Ranking Floating Offshore Wind Foundation Concepts
1010-1028 35925Ventos De Libra Project: A New Concept For Supplying Energy In Ultradeep Water Floating Oil And Gas Platforms From Offshore Wind Power
1030-1048 35766Modular Central-Located WTG Floating Offshore Wind Foundation
1110-1128 35693Floating Offshore Wind Subsea Cables
1130-1148 35921Solving The Fixed Offshore Wind Installation Bottleneck With A Crane-less Jack Up Vessel.
Alternate 35731Semi-submersible Floating Offshore Substation Wave Basin Model Test
Alternate 35869Concrete Floaters: A Promising Solution For Floating Wind Energy