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Planning, Design and Management of Flow Assurance for Offshore Development

Wednesday, 7 May
Technical Session
Offshore production and production success is founded on state of the art flow assurance management. At this session, as offshore activities venture into deeper waters and more complex environments, the uninterrupted hydrocarbon flow from reservoir to processing facilities has become a critical challenge and is the focus. This session will explore cutting-edge strategies and technologies that guarantee the efficient transport of multiphase fluids, addressing key issues such as asphaltene and solid depositions, hydrate management, and chemical injection and application as well as modelling techniques to optimize production. Flow assurance is constantly evolving and as part of the key disciplines within overall production operations our session will provide the opportunity to learn and discuss the key aspects within deepwater operations and different geographical areas of focus from Gulf of Mexico to offshore India. The session is an excellent learning opportunity to gain insights that could significantly impact the profitability and success of your deepwater developments
Session Chairperson(s)
Phaneendra Kondapi, President/Affiliate Professor - Jaajitech Digital/ Colorado School of Mines
Colin Johnston, Managing Director - SeaNation LLC
Sponsoring Society:
  • Marine Technology Society (MTS)
  • 0930-0948 35901
    Continuous Realtime Asphaltene Monitoring and Surveillance in Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Production
    Y. Kapoor, Occidental; J. Lovell, MicroSilicon Inc; K. Muth, E. Hensel, B. Highsmith, Occidental; O. Kulbrandstad, MicroSilicon Inc
  • 0950-1008 35751
    Gas Hydrates Simulation in Flow Assurance: A Perspective on Current Tools and Advancement Toward a Unified Solution
    L. Dalla, Colorado School of Mines / Petrobras; L. Zerpa, C. Koh, Colorado School of Mines
  • 1010-1028 35829
    Optimizing Hydrate Inhibitor Consumption for WAG Injector Wells
    H. Veiga, B. Desseignet, A. Descousse, R. Ellouz, M. Torelli, M. Bourgeois, TOTALENERGIES ONETECH
  • 1030-1048 35918
    How Drag Reducer Agents Can Enhance Gas and Condensate Production?
    P. Dréno, R. Arnault, N. Lesage, C. Drouilly, TotalEnergies
  • 1050-1108 35556
    Demonstrating the Value of Transient Well Flow Modeling in Achieving Successful Well Start-Up
    A. Descousse, C. Quintero, H. Veiga, TotalEnergies OneTech; J. Hastings, TotalEnergies Upstream Danmark A/S; A. Kilic, L.F. Babayeva, JOC Absheron Petroleum
  • 1110-1128 35900
    Scale Inhibitors Case Study for Drastic Temperature and Salinity Conditions
    D. Maffra, G. Andrade, Y. Queiros, E. Mavredaki, L. Goncalves, Veolia Water Technologies and Solutions
  • 1130-1148 35590
    Resolving Operational Challenges of a MEG System
    S. Baraka-Lokmane, TotalEnergies; M.E. Seiersten, Institute For Energy Technology

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