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Operational Digital Twins: Creation and Application

Wednesday, 7 May
Technical Session
A Digital Twin is a digital representation of the physical elements of an asset and its dynamic behavior over its lifecycle. Interest in Digital Twin has been growing due to its ability to integrate disparate digital initiatives particularly in industrial applications. This session will delve into the creation and application of different types of operational digital twins in the oil and gas industry, which can vary based on their unique parameters, such as frequency of data updates, depth of mathematical models or visualization capabilities.
Session Chairperson(s)
Hani Elshahawi, Managing Director - NoviDigiTech
Huilin Tu, Discipline Manager - SLB
Sponsoring Society:
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Oceanic and Engineering Society (IEEE-OES)
  • 0930-0948 35582
    Point Cloud Instance Segmentation for Reducing Effort in Oil and Gas Digital Twin Construction
    P. Sidra De Freitas, W. Gavião Neto, V. Camargo Nardelli, SENAI Innovation Institute for Sensing Systems; C. Porto, AVEVA Solutions Ltd; A. Harrison, M. Sidahmed, Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda
  • 0950-1008 35756
    Establishing Credibility: Verification and Validation of Digital Twins
    E. VanDerHorn, B. Corbett, ABS; A. Costa, HII Mission Technologies
  • 1010-1028 35956
    Data Management for Digital Twin in Large Capital EPCI Project
    W. Chen, MODEC International; S. Pillai, R. Yasumuro, N. Cataag, K. Quek, MODEC Offshore Production Systems
  • 1030-1048 35694
    Using Flowline Digital Twin to Plan for Inspections and Remediation
    R.C. Reid, G. Mediamolle Jr, LLOG Exploration; Y. Ruocco, A. Grimes, D. Vadel, Clarus Subsea Integrity
  • 1050-1108 35540
    20/20 Vision of Your Operations - Creating an Operational Twin of Completions Operations
    T. Thomas, J. Zhou, R. Fairley, T. Boyd, A. Segovia, K. Scherer, NOV; K. Fatheree, Seismos
  • 1110-1128 35617
    Look Ahead: Optimization of Well Operations Using Real Time Digital Twin for Well Integrity
    P.E. Aranha, C.O. De Souza, L.F. Ferrarezi, F. Valore, F. Oliveira, Petrobras; M.V. dos Santos, C.N. Donatti, H.U. Mendes, ESSS; J.N. De Araujo, UFAL; S.L. Souza Neto, Petrobras
  • 1130-1148 35557
    Pipeline Reliability and Integrity Solution Enterprise (PRAISE)
    R. Abbas, A.S. Al Mohsen, K. Alsinan, Saudi Aramco

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