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Offshore Flow Assurance Technologies

Thursday, 8 May
Technical Session
This session highlights advances in technologies related to hydrate and scale formation and discusses operational practices to handle challenges of flow assurance, such as hydrate formation, in ultra-deepwater. Participants will gain insights about model studies in subsea CO2 injection wells to mitigate the risk of hydrate formation; flexible coiled tubing for subsea hydrate remediation; near infrared technology to optimize chemical treatment; and best practices of well testing in ultra deepwater wells to alleviate flow assurance issues, such as wax deposition and hydrate formation.
Session Chairperson(s)
Lirio Quintero, Independent - Consultant
John Nighswander, President - Petroleum Fluid Properties LLC
Sponsoring Society:
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
  • 0200-0218 35824
    Controlling Joule-Thomson Cooling in Wellhead Equipment in Subsea CO2 Injection Wells
    M. Nazeri, M. Blowers, M. Hoang, A. Marshall, K. Randhawa, Baker Hughes
  • 0220-0238 35615
    Flexible Coiled Tubing Implementation for Subsea Hydrate Remediation - Campos Basin Field Application
    A. Rocha, PRIO; K. Gardiner, Paradigm Flow Services; M.d. Bezerra, R.D. Rosa, A. Arenari Silva Garcia, M. Pasqualette, F.T. de Almeida, PRIO
  • 0240-0258 35517
    Flow Assurance in Subsea Flow and Safety Systems at The Jubilee Field
    K. Opoku Duartey, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology; A. Quainoo, Missouri University of Science & Technology; N. Nimo Yeboah, E. Owusu, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
  • 0300-0318 35641
    Well Testing in New Frontiers: Lessons Learned and Best Practices From an Ultra-Deepwater Well Testing Campaign in Namibia
    V. Jaffrezic, TotalEnergies OneTech; M. Larrere, C. McDougall, S. Garg, TotalEnergies E&P; Y. Shumakov, G. Kouam, V. Pequignot, B. Theuveny, SLB
  • 0320-0338 35554
    The Synergistic Effects of Ultrasonic Acoustic Cavitation with Chemical Dissolvers on Calcium Sulfate Scale Dissolution
    C. Canciani, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); G. Alaseri, A. Alguydi, F. Alissa, Saudi Aramco
  • 0340-0358 35922
    Probabilistic Assisted History Matching Approach for Production Prediction and Flow Assurance Assessment
    G. Ribeiro, C. Vasconcelos Barreto, A. Andrade Alves, E. Hayashi, V. Girardi Silva, ESSS; D. Braga, J. Trujillo, Galp Energia; G. Bassani, GALP/Petrogal Brasil
  • 0400-0418 35567
    Experimental Validation of a Multiphysics Model For a Cold Flow Unit
    T.K. Oishi, T.S. da Silva, M. Kvernland, EMPIG AS

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