New Technologies to Improve Facilities and Production Operations
Thursday, 8 May
Technical Session
In this session new offshore technologies to predict and prevent damage and to optimize tiebacks and production networks will be discussed. Innovative solutions for production monitoring and optimization of facilities and operations are explored focus on how offshore facilities evolve into more efficient and greener energy hubs. Technological advances and case studies are discussed to enable substantial increases in offshore production and processes.
Session Chairperson(s)
Sponsoring Society:
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
0200-0218 35535Real-Time Organic/ Inorganic Scale Build-up And Damage Identification For Sustained Production
0220-0238 35618Machine Learning Framework For Treating And Preventing Scale Formation
0300-0318 35740Unified Pressure Loss Prediction For Fluctuating Total Gas To Liquid Ratio In Gas-lift Wells: A Game-changing Novel Method
0320-0338 35905Application Of A Multiphase Flow Simulator For Production Optimization Of Tiebacks Using Subsea Multiphase Pumping
0340-0358 35553Optimizing Gas Production Networks By Automated Surveillance, Diagnostics, And Comparative Scenario Analysis
0400-0418 35875Experimental Investigation Of Downhole Vortex Gas Separator Efficiency Under Two-phase Flow Conditions: Impact Of Differential Pressure And Flow Rates
Alternate 35772Enhancing Offshore Gas Dehydration Efficiency And Design Optimization For Sour Gas Field Development Project