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Metocean Advances

Monday, 5 May
Technical Session
The session presents the latest developments in forecasting techniques using machine learning, with application to the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current and eddies. In addition, it includes studies to characterize the Loop Current system in numerical models and solitary internal waves. The session demonstrates applications of metocean data and methods to oil spill detection, design of offshore renewable facilities and calibration of safety factors.
Session Chairperson(s)
Bharath Kalyan, Senior Research Scientist - National University Of Singapore
Oleg Esenkov, Principal Marine Engineer - Metocean - ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Co
Sponsoring Society:
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • 0200-0218 35839
    Calibration of Weather Dependent Mooring Line Tension Safety Factors
    K. Ejdfors, DNV; K. Nilsen, Delmar Systems, Inc.; T. Horte, DNV
  • 0220-0238 35614
    Response-Based Forecasting of Vessel Motion: From Physics-Based to Data-Driven Methods
    I. Milne, L. Astfalck, The University of Western Australia; M. Zed, J. Lee-Kopij, Woodside Energy
  • 0240-0258 35733
    A Spatiotemporal Machine Learning Framework for the Prediction of Metocean Conditions in the Gulf of Mexico: Application to Loop Current and Loop Current Eddy Forecasting
    E. Steele, M. Juniper, Met Office; A. Pillai, I. Ashton, University of Exeter; J. Chen, University of Plymouth; S. Jaramillo, L. Zarate, Shell Global Solutions US Inc.
  • 0300-0318 35859
    Estimating Numerical Model Skill and Representativeness of Kinematic Properties of the Loop Current System in the Gulf of Mexico
    S. Odom, R. Arena, A. Schmidt, H. Nowak, L. Ivanov, J. Storie, R. Ramos, B. Magnell, Woods Hole Group
  • 0320-0338 35812
    Solitary Internal Wave Characterization Southeast of Trinidad and Tobago
    R. Arena, L. Ivanov, A. Schmidt, R. Ramos, B. Magnell, Woods Hole Group, A CLS Company; C. Flores-Diaz, J. Franqueville, Subsea7; R. Husson, A. Colin, CLS
  • 0340-0358 35760
    Optimizing Offshore Operations: Automated Oil Spill Detection Via Secure Data Sharing
    J. Røstad, M.F. Aarset, Miros AS
  • 0400-0418 35819
    Floating Offshore Wind Solutions For The U.S.: Leveraging European Experience From Floater and Mooring EPCI Perspective
    Y. Wu, P.C. Leitch, E. Storaune, Entr, Part of Aker Solutions; E. Stormyr, Aker Solutions

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