Marine Mining - New Technologies and Programs Making it Happen
Tuesday, 6 May
Technical Session
Marine mining is on the cusp, in both international waters and within EEZs of several countries including the Cook Islands, Norway and the United States. This session covers AI-driven new production technologies, the latest in geophysical mapping, ship to ship transfer and national critical mineral development and licensing programs. Polymetallic nodules, cobalt rich crusts, seafloor massive sulfides and other types of deposits will be discussed.
Session Chairperson(s)
Sponsoring Society:
0200-0218 35790Polymetallic Nodule Detection Using Hull-Mounted 30 Kilohertz Multibeam Data Analysis
0220-0238 35957Full Mission Bridge Simulations of Bulk Carrier Approach for Unsheltered Offshore Transshipment of Polymetallic Nodules
0240-0258 35652Challenges in Massive Sulfide Deposit Exploration Using a Seabed Drill Rig for Mineral Core Sampling
0300-0318 35952How Impossible Metals' Next-Gen Technology Will Drive Sustainable and Responsible Deep-Sea Critical Minerals Collection
Alternate 35915Customizing Drilling Engineering in Geothermal Drilling Campaign, by Utilizing Standard-Temperature-Rated Tools and Achieving High Operating Efficiency, a Case from Indonesia Major Geothermal Field Dieng-Patuha
Alternate 35856Hydrate Reformation Characteristics in Offshore Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoir Using the Horizontal Well Depressurization Production