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ePoster Lounge Part I

Monday, 5 May
ePoster Lounge
This poster session gives the OTC program committee a special opportunity to showcase talented technical leaders from across the industry and the globe.
Session Chairperson(s)
Pedro Tavares, Coordinator - Petrobras
Adenike Amao, Principal Consultant - Lonadek Nigeria Ltd
Ray (Zhenhua) Rui, Associate Dean and Professor - China University of Petroleum Beijing
  • 1030-1048 35589
    A Novel Workflow for Interpretation of Single-Well Tracer Tests
    Z. Zhao, Y. Ou, C. Jia, K. Mohanty, The University of Texas at Austin
  • 1050-1108 35991
    Multidimensional Evaluating First Offshore Shale Oil Play by Geomechanical, Petrophysical and Geological Integration, Beibu Gulf Basin, South China Sea
    J. Wu, Y. Gao, CNOOC Zhanjiang Ltd.; B. Liu, Y. Zhou, M. Chohan, Baker Hughes
  • 1110-1128 35577
    Innovative Wellbore Shielding Spacer Safely Pumped Across Narrow Area Accessories in Oilfield Cementing Operations
    W. Ali, TAQA Well Solutions; A. Hashmi, Saudi Aramco; F. Alturki, M. Bouaraki, M. Aljardan, TAQA Well Solutions; J. Pohl, Impact Fluid Solutions, LLC
  • 1130-1148 35562
    Digital System of Self-Verification Sustainably Improves Safety Performance and Positively Shifts Safety Culture
    I. Prudent-Ramjit, C. Salim, Tucker Energy Services; A. Briggs, BP Trinidad and Tobago; L.W. Ramnath, BP America Inc
  • 1150-1208 35800
    Mental Health Monitoring and Management Program for Offshore Employees: Preflight Check-In
    F. Sola Ramos, J. Rodrigues Freire Filho, J.C. Rodrigues de Souza, Cepem Busines Psychology
  • 1210-1228 35811
    Analyzing Different Contracting Strategies for Oil and Gas Operator: A Comprehensive Study for Subsea Development Projects
    K.K. Padmanabhan, A.B. PV, Oil & Natural Gas Corp. Ltd.

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