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Enhancing Offshore Production: New Approaches to Flow Assurance, Corrosion, and Scale Control

Tuesday, 6 May
Technical Session
This session will explore innovative approaches to enhancing offshore production through advancements in flow assurance, corrosion management, and scale control. Topics will include real-time asphaltene monitoring, the use of drag reducers for gas and condensate production, and green surfactants for offshore applications. Presentations will also cover cutting-edge techniques such as ultrasonic cavitation for scale dissolution, thermodynamic models for wax deposition, and proactive corrosion management strategies. Through case studies and experimental research, the session will highlight new chemical treatments and monitoring tools designed to optimize production efficiency, improve safety, and address the unique challenges of subsea environments.
Session Chairperson(s)
Muge Demiroglu, Discipline Manager - Flow Assurance, Production Chemistry & Water - bp
Phaneendra Kondapi, Affiliate Professor - Colorado School of Mines
Sponsoring Society:
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  • 0930-0948 35837
    Downhole Corrosion and Flow Assurance Management; A Proactive and Sustainable Approach in Maintaining Integral Offshore Wells and Minimizing Production Loss
    S. Alriyami, K. Al Azizi, N. Odeh, K. Alhammadi, K.R. Aldhaheri, A. Al Shamsi, F. Almheiri, Y. AlHammadi, ADNOC Offshore
  • 0950-1008 35955
    An Experimental Investigation of the Structure-Efficacy Relationship of Chemical Additives as Flow Improvers for Crude Oils with Different Compositions
    T. Addepalli, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay; R. Patil, Melzer chemicals Pvt. Ltd.; I. Kalita, Oil India Limited (OIL); L. Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  • 1010-1028 35754
    Green Surfactants for Offshore Applications
    A. Assem, J. Stewart-Ayala, M. Hornick, K. Lant, Baker Hughes
  • 1030-1048 35783
    Ensuring Precise Flow Control: Optimized Multiturn-Actuation For Low-Power Applications
    M. Kubacki, E. Pfeifroth, G. Hendrix, J.P. Duarte Da Silva, Bosch Rexroth AG; C. Hansli, Wittenstein Motion Control GmbH
  • 1050-1108 35973
    Unblocking Flow Assurance and Transport Uncertainties in Oil Wells with High Sand Production with Dynamic Simulation
    S. Murillo Tellez, V. Santamaria Cardozo, H. Quevedo Boada, J. Barrero, J. Peñaloza Melendez, Frontera Energy Colombia; E.Y. Jimenez, E. Gomez Martinez, SLB
  • 1110-1128 35532
    Advanced ESP Monitoring System for Performance and Production Optimization
    A.H. Alkhawaher, H. Al Jishi, S. Al Aseef, Baker Hughes
  • 1130-1148 35648
    An Innovative and Successful Subsea Approach for BS-4 Atlanta Field Development
    M. Barbosa De Oliveira, Brava Energia; F. Liborio, V. Pereira, former Enauta Energia SA

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