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Advanced Materials for Sustainable Offshore Technologies and To Enable Clean Energy Transition

Wednesday, 7 May
Technical Session

Advanced Materials for Sustainable Offshore Technologies and To Enable Clean Energy Transition session reviews topics related to advancements in materials that enable energy transition through innovations in materials science and manufacturing. The session discusses innovations in key materials and their role in providing continued sustainable growth in offshore technologies and climate change solutions in geothermal, wind, solar, energy storage, hydrogen, and CO2 capture, utilization, and storage. It also explores development in coating technologies and enforces the adoption of 3D printing for metals as a direct manufacturing process, enabling cost and resource-efficient production. This session covers materials' structure and mechanical properties at elevated temperatures and the effects of corrosion and environment-assisted cracking (EAC) on metallic materials in challenging environments.

Additionally, we will explore the materials—such as metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites—used in next-generation technologies. Decades of experience drawn from the oil and gas industry and strategic partnerships between pioneers developing advanced materials will play a pivotal role in maturing disruptive technologies and solving challenges associated with sustainability and ESG.

Session Chairperson(s)
Alok Dhagat, Product Engineering-Lead - FLEXSTEEL PIPELINE TECHNOLOGIES
Rostyslav Dolog, Senior Scientist - Aramco Americas
Sponsoring Society:
  • The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS)
  • 0200-0218 35967
    Enhancing Antifouling Strategies With Ultrasonic Treatment and Acoustic Metamaterials
    R. Crowley, T. Sullivan Suiter, J. Pollock, M.A. Nakatsuka, Oceanit Laboratories
  • 0220-0238 35573
    Ductility Reinforced Elastomer and Molecular-Machine Based Cement System
    A. Santra, K. Johnson, R. Martinez, Aramco Americas
  • 0240-0258 35879
    A Review on Self-Healing Coatings Technologies for Sustainable and Resilient Surfaces
    N. Sazali, S. Mohd Zuki, N. Che Su, S. Jusof, A. Abdullah, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS; S. Chee, PETRONAS Research Sdn Bhd; M. Maoinser, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
  • 0300-0318 35610
    Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Component With Integrated Substrate For Subsea Tee Branch Application
    O. Caron, Vallourec; S. Terracina, Saipem; L. Faivre, Vallourec; A. Santicchia, Saipem; F. Lefevre, Vallourec; G. Arcangeletti, Saipem
  • 0320-0338 35538
    The Impact of Test Gases on American Petroleum Institute High-Pressure Testing
    X. Chen, Schlumberger
  • 0340-0358 35711
    Development and Application of Delayed Expansion Rubber for Deep-Sea Environments: Material Properties and Optimal Bonding Techniques
    H. Wan, Q. Yin, J. Yang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhou, H. Zhu, China University of Petroleum, Beijing
  • 0400-0418 35895
    Composite Patch Repairs - A New Qualification Methodology
    S. Paboeuf, M. Deydier, Bureau Veritas; E. Lepretre, S. Chataigner, Q. Sourisseau, Université Gustave Eiffel

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