Sustainable Abandonment of Offshore Oil and Gas: Case Studies
Wednesday, 8 May
Technical / Poster Session
Abandonment in oil and gas industry involve a series of systematic procedures to safely and responsibly shut down operations that includes plugging wells to prevent the leakage of hydrocarbons and implementing environmental remediation. In this technical session, the authors show advance approaches and case studies for green decommissioning and recycling offshore platform.
1400-1418 35162Enhancing Sustainability Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Subsea Decommissioning
1420-1438 35474Repurposing Offshore Infrastructure for Clean Energy (ROICE) Vs. Decommissioning - Regulatory Considerations
1440-1458 35289Alternative Method to Achieving Rock-to-Rock Barrier for Plug and Abandonment Using Hydro-Mechanical Perforating Tool
1500-1518 35393Challenges and Approaches to Solutions for Green Decommissioning and Recycling of Offshore Facilities
1520-1538 35108AI-based Cement Bond Quality Assessment: a First Step for Optimizing P&A Design
1540-1558 35152Environmental Assessment of Brent North Sea Decommissioning: A Detailed Case Study
1600-1618 35403A Geotechnical Acoustic Survey to Address Well Abandonment Options for a Toppled Offshore Platform