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What Lurks Beneath the Waves? Unlocking the Secret of Subsurface Carbon Capture and Storage

Tuesday, 7 May
Technical / Poster Session
This session focuses on the hidden world of carbon capture and storage (CCS) beneath the surface. It delves into opportunity identification and showcasing cutting-edge research shaping the future of this vital technology including assessing the value of pore space, describing ongoing activities across various regions; showing how technology may help to ensure the integrity of the operations, and the harnessing of AI tools and methods for improved project execution. It promises to be an illuminating experience for subsurface disciplines and anyone passionate for sustainable development.
Mariela Araujo Fresky, Commercial Innovation Partnership Manager - Shell Exploration and Production Company
Norman Carnahan, Chief Technical Officer - Applied Molecular Thermodynamics
  • 0930-0948 35195
    The Journey of CO2 From the Capture to the Subsea Sequestration
    G. Arcangeletti, A. Di Felice, F. Castiglioni, D. Borghi, Saipem S.p.A.; J. Ma, R. Luft, W. Sun, ExxonMobil
  • 0950-1008 35130
    CCS Opportunity Along the Gulf Coast Corridor
    T.C. Grant, D.J. Morgan, L.B. Cunha, U.S. DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory; R.T. Vactor, H.E. Hoffman, U.S. DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory - Contractor
  • 1010-1028 35284
    CO2Storage Complex in Shallow Waters of Campos Basin, Brazil: Capacity, Uncertainty and Risk Analysis of a Deep Saline Formation
    F.S. Lira, D. Miranda, E.B. Freire, A. De Gasperi, I.A. Pinto, L.F. Cassino, P. Costa, M.S. Gonçalves, P. Netto, L.C. Pereira, R.R. Neto, P.F. da Silva, A.S. Musse, Petrobras
  • 1030-1048 35322
    Mechanical Seal Integrity for Geological Storage of CO2
    T. Ait Ettajer, E. Ibanez Martinez, J. Alvarellos Iglesias, N. Rodriguez Morillas, H. Martin Rodriguez, Repsol Technology Lab; M. Martin Carrillo, S. Mora, A. Vayssaire, Repsol E&P
  • 1050-1108 35147
    Monitoring Subsea CCS: Following the CO2 Molecules from Top to Bottom and Ensuring They Stay in the Rock
    M. Wiltshire, P. Roux, Baker Hughes
  • 1110-1128 35052
    The Co-Saline Storage Method: Advanced Modeling to Accelerate Offshore CCS
    K. Rose, C. Creason, M. Mark-Moser, National Energy Technology Laboratory; J. Mulhern, S. Pantaleone, D. Tetteh, L. Romeo, Leidos Research Support Team, National Energy Technology Laboratory
  • 1130-1148 35420
    Enhancing Kemper CO2 Storage Performance Based on a Deep Learning CO2 Storage Well Connectivity Optimization Methodology
    K. Katterbauer, A. Al-Qasim, A. Alshehri, A. Yousef, Saudi Aramco PE&D

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