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Subsea Production and Processing: Innovation and Technologies

Wednesday, 8 May
Technical / Poster Session
Global applications of subsea technology from the key deepwater areas of the world provide an insight in to the future for subsea asset management and optimization. Focus on subsea production, processing and design includes innovative process, methodology and technology development with emphasis on electrification and improved controls for efficient tieback applications. Overall subsea field management through rigless intervention and improved recovery techniques is presented for existing subsea assets. The benefits of the session provides attendees with insight into future subsea field development, tieback optimization and production enhancements.
Phaneendra Kondapi, Affiliate Professor - Colorado School of Mines
Colin Johnston, Managing Director - SeaNation LLC
  • 0930-0948 35055
    Qualification of a Subsea Pump for Dense Phase Fluid Applications in Brazilian Deep-Water Pre-Salt Fields
    B. Kus, L. Schneider, M. Bourne, Sulzer Pumps; L.S. Cunha, H. Machado, TechnipFMC; A.M. Bidart, F.M. Passarelli, A.J. Vieira, M. Spelta, D.A. Moura, F.S. Oliveira, N.E. Silva, A.A. e Brandão, R.D. Campos, L.C. Da Silva, Petrobras
  • 0950-1008 35189
    Wet Christmas Tree and Control System Standardization and Interchangeability - More Than 10 Years of Lessons Learned
    R.V. Beppler, A. Rabello, E.J. Coelho, E. Seraco, M. Dendena, H. Fagundes, Petrobras
  • 1010-1028 35054
    Revolutionizing Production in High CO2 and High GOR Fields, Paving the Way to a Low Carbon World
    F.M. Passarelli, A.M. Bidart, M.J. Spelta, D.A. Moura, N.E. Silva, A.J. Vieira, A.M. Oliveira, M.A. Roberto, Petrobras
  • 1030-1048 35327
    Subsea Reinjection of Methane-Rich Gas: System Design and Injection Pump Testing
    A. Hill, Exxon Mobil Corporation; E. Gyllenhammar, T. Olderheim, OneSubsea; G. Torres, ExxonMobil
  • 1050-1108 35181
    Delivery of Flexible, Reliable, and Scalable Power and Communication Network in Subsea Environment Using Power and Communications Distribution Module (PCDM)
    R. Sen, J. D'Arcy, N. Dandy, A. Spinola, Baker Hughes
  • 1110-1128 35218
    Production Optimization in Bonga Deepwater Through Rigless Intervention
    A. Okosun, I. Ugbor, T. Ezeokafor, Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company
  • 1130-1148 35365
    Holistic Subsea Chemical Delivery Design and Management
    S. Gao, Shell

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