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Metocean Advances

Tuesday, 7 May
Technical / Poster Session
This session will highlight advances in understanding of the current circulation and processes offshore Guyana, the use of machine learning techniques to improve wave forecasting skill, as well as improvements in modeling, prediction and measurement of the Loop Current and eddies in the Gulf of Mexico.  In addition, modeling of a tsunami in the Suez Canal and its consequences will be presented.
Xiaochuan Yu, Associate Professor - University of New Orleans
Oleg Esenkov, Principal Engineer - ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Co
  • 0930-0948 35342
    Vertical Structure and the Circulation Impact of the North Brazil Current Rings Off Guyana
    F. Chen, R. Vergara Schiller, ExxonMobil
  • 0950-1008 35096
    Observations of New North Brazil Current Rings Profiles Offshore Guyana
    G. Gosain, ExxonMobil Services & Technology Private Limited; R. Vergara Schiller, O.E. Esenkov, ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company
  • 1010-1028 35126
    Suez Canal’s Tsunami: Hazard Risk and Consequences
    L. Sartini, E. Fiorini, P. Poggi, E. Duchini, Rina Consulting Spa
  • 1030-1048 35104
    A Spatiotemporal Machine Learning Framework for the Prediction of Metocean Conditions in the Gulf of Mexico
    E. Steele, Met Office; J. Chen, University of Plymouth; I. Ashton, A. Pillai, University of Exeter; S. Jaramillo, Shell Global Solutions US, Inc.; P. Leung, L. Zarate, Shell International Exploration & Production, Inc.
  • 1050-1108 35313
    Improving Wave Forecast Using Neural Networks
    B. Primo, Vortex Mundus; F. Achete, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; F.E. Salvio, N. Barbosa, Subsea7
  • 1110-1128 35402
    Process-Oriented Validation Of HYCOM-TSIS Reanalysis Runs for the Northern Gulf of Mexico
    L. Ivanov, R. Arena, Woods Hole Group Inc.; A. Bozec, E. Chassignet, Florida State University; S. Longridge, R. Ramos, Woods Hole Group Inc.; A. Srinivasan, Tendral LLC; M. Iskandarani, University of Miami
  • 1130-1148 35072
    Results of the Mini-Adaptive Sampling Test Run (MASTR) Experiment: Autonomous Vehicles, Drifters, Floats, ROCIS, and HF-Radar, to Improve Loop Current System Dynamics and Forecasts in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
    S.F. DiMarco, Texas A&M University; S. Glenn, M. Smith, Rutgers University; B. de la Cruz, University of Miami; R. Ramos, Woods Hole Group; E. Pallas, M. Tenreiro, CICESE; S. Mahmud, U. Nwankwo, Texas A&M University; T. Miles, Rutgers University; R. Monreal Jimenez, D. Salas de Leon, UNAM; A. Knap, Texas A&M University; N. Shay, University of Miami; B. Magnell, J. Storie, Woods Hole Group; G.A. Stuart, J. Marble, Fugro; K. Contreras, Mexican Institute of Water Technology

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