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The  Evolution of Petroleum Engineering Education During The Energy Transition Era

Wednesday, 8 May
With the hot wave of global energy transition impact, Petroleum Engineering student enrollment has significantly reduced in many universities in the past several years.  The closure of bachelor’s program enrollment at the University of Calgary in 2021 is a signal for the evolution of petroleum engineering in higher education. The speakers, as Chairpersons of the Petroleum Engineering Departments from some of the top universities, will bring their perspectives to enhance the petroleum engineering curriculum and education based on the current dynamics in the oil and gas industry energy transition. The speakers will discuss the role of petroleum engineering education in the energy transition era in the future; how the skill set used in the recovery of oil and gas resources are applicable to the energy transition fields like enhanced oil recovery, carbon storage, hydrogen energy, geothermal resource development. Speakers will convey the message to the next generation of engineers/students and the industry as the world is trying to move away from fossil resources and the impact on the near future workforce demand.
Akhil Datta-Gupta, Department Chair, Petroleum Engineering - Texas A&M University
Mohamed Soliman, Department Chair, Petroleum Engineering - University of Houston
Matthew Balhoff, Department Chair, Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering - The University of Texas at Austin
Jennifer Miskimins, Department Chair, Petroleum Engineering - Colorado School of Mines
Mohan Kelkar, Department Chair, Petroleum Engineering - University of Tulsa
Phaneendra Kondapi, Affiliate Professor - Colorado School of Mines
Y Doreen Chin, President - Yunka Energy LLC

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