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Challenges and Opportunities in Offshore Decommissioning in a Green Era

Monday, 6 May
This session will discuss the main challenges associated with offshore asset decommissioning in a context of increased pressure for fair and environmental friendly destination of installations and materials. There are several technological advancements and business opportunities in this area, either in established mature basins where such operations are common and regulation is established, like the Gulf of Mexico or the North Sea, or in emerging hotspots like Brazil which is set to be the third largest market for such activities between 2023 and 2030. The call for operators, regulators and suppliers to jointly tackle that effort guaranteeing operational safety and cost efficiency is a present day imperative.
Francis Norman, CEO and Managing Director CODA - Centre of Decommissioning Australia (CODA)
Kamel Ben Naceur, CEO Nomadia - Damorphe
Amber Sparks, Co-Founder and Managing Partner - Blue Latitudes LLC
Luciana Guerra, Manager of Strategic Support in Decommissioning - Petrobras
Fernando Mendes, Production Development General Manager - Petrobras

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