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Brazil as the World High Spot of Clean and Decarbonized Energy Matrix

Monday, 6 May
Around the World

Brazil is pushing hard on its renewable sources, as well as developing their unique prospects of hydrocarbon reservoirs in a cleanest way. Whist an already recognized reduced methane emissions, new developments and cutting-edge technologies aim to mitigate even more greenhouse than ever. This event is joining the main country´s stakeholders on energy, to discuss and disclose the country policy, future trends, new technologies and opportunities. It is a unique event to hear from them and interact with the country high top executives. The keynote speaker will address to the audience how Brazil is paving the road to the new world of energy, addressing how important is to secure access to an affordable energy source, how to push the industry to these new sources and also now the government envision the country future on this new world.

Maiza Goulart, Head of Research and Development Center - Petrobras
Alfredo Renault, Director - Low Carbon Technology Solutions Center - COPPE/UFRJ
Rodolfo Saboia, General Director - Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis – ANP
Luana Duffe, Executive Vice President New Energy - TechnipFMC
Roberto Ardenghy, President - Instituto Brasileiro de Petroleo e Gas
Carlos Mastrangelo - Enauta

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