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Advances in Offshore Geotechnics

Tuesday, 7 May
Technical / Poster Session
Significant advances are being made in offshore geotechnics, in the areas of site characterization, foundation design and installation. These advances are driven by a combination of research and operational experience.  The session includes topics related to pile installation, spudcan penetration, evaluation of problem soils (carbonates and sub-glacial till), laboratory facilities and the application of artificial intelligence to marine soil characterization. This session will showcase these advances and provide an opportunity to re-evaluate best practices in offshore geotechnics.
Amin Rafiei, Assistant Professor of Geotechnical Engineering - University of Hawaii Manoa
Christopher Hadley, Learning Advisor, Civil, Offshore and Pipelines - Shell Global Solutions
  • 0930-0948 35156
    Gentle Driving of Piles: Field Observations, Quantitative Analysis and Further Development
    A. Tsetas, E. Kementzetzidis, S.S. Gómez, T. Molenkamp, Delft University of Technology; A. Elkadi, Deltares; F. Pisanò, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute; A. Tsouvalas, A. Metrikine, Delft University of Technology
  • 0950-1008 35172
    Geotechnical Properties of Subglacial Till at Baltic Sea Offshore Wind Farm Sites
    E. Solhjell, D. Moellenbeck, S. Yang, Norwegian Geotechnical Inst.; J.W. Lakeman, Equinor ASA
  • 1010-1028 35325
    An Application of Machine Learning to Predicting Shear Wave Velocity of Marine Clay
    V.M. Taboada, Y. Sanchez-Hernandez, Z. Zhang, Fugro; D. Cruz Roque, P. Barrera Nabor, Instituto Mexicano Del Petroleo; K.C. Gan, Fugro
  • 1030-1048 35473
    The Design of a New Laboratory Facility to Evaluate Axial and Lateral Pipe-Soil Interaction at Real Scale
    P. Orlando, J.D. Dantas, C. Rodrigues, F. Castro, J. Pereira, IPT - Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo; C.O. Cardoso, J.P. Gomes, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras - CENPES
  • 1050-1108 35238
    Pile Drivability Assessment Through Rock Formations
    M. Kadivar, RWE Offshore Wind Services LLC; P. Ghasemi, RWE Aktiengesellschaft; N. Christopher, A. Maynard, A. Barwise, RWE Renewables UK Ltd
  • 1110-1128 35383
    Influence of Soil Backflow and Punch-Through Phenomenon on Spudcan Penetration in Two-Layer Soil Formations
    A.M. Radwan, Port Said University; I.A. El-Araby, Delta University
  • 1130-1148 35269
    Geotechnical Site Investigation Over 3500 Meter Depth
    P. Charnaux Macedo, I. Amado Perez, C. Borges Silveira, V. Paiva Cabral Braga, OceanPact Geociencias

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