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Achieving Well Integrity and Optimized Well Design

Thursday, 9 May
Technical / Poster Session
The session discusses several innovative technologies and solutions to ensure wellbore integrity, reliable and safe operations to maximize oil production cost efficiently. The range of methods and their applications discussed include evaluation of novel cementing, ultrasonic logging, digital twins and later technologies. The authors will also discuss evaluation of operational conditions and the reuse of flexible pipes in revitalizing mature fields. Through field applications the presenters will provide novel approaches to contribute to an efficient and safe drilling operation.
Antonio Cardenas, Project Manager Officer and Product Development Management Lead - Baker Hughes
Anuradee Witthayapanyanon, Global Account Manager - BASF Corporation
  • 1400-1418 35440
    Well Integrity Management Based on the Establishment of New Operating Limits - A New Method for Extending Well Life and Changes in Operating Conditions
    N. Moreira, A.F. Lazaro, F.R. Minucci, P. Aranha, M.C. Weidlich, Petrobras; F.B. Fernandes, Texas A&M University and Petrobras; L.B. Nardi, E. Radespiel, C.O. De Souza, I. Palmieri, C.M. dos Santos, F. Terra, Petrobras
  • 1420-1438 35281
    Reliability-Based Assessment of the Residual Collapse Strength for Damaged Tubes Scanned With Ultrasonic Log
    L.P. Gouveia, E.T. Lima Junior, W.W. Lira, A.d. Barboza, Federal University of Alagoas
  • 1440-1458 35063
    Improving Long-Term Pay Zone Isolation Using New Cementing Technologies to Overcome Difficult Wellbore Conditions in Shallow-Water Wells Offshore Mexico
    E. Barrera, M. Presniakov, A. Martinez Melo, A. Nunez Davila, P.L. Anleu, M. Oliveira, O. Guichard, J.M. Gomez Sanchez, SLB
  • 1500-1518 35202
    Well as a Service - Is it Possible to Produce With Safety, Reliability, and Cost Efficiency?
    D. Colombo, F. Couvre Junior, I. Ikeda Junior, L.M. De Almeida, M.V. Nóbrega, M.H. Pedrassa, R.S. Roman, A.A. Zanetti, E.d. Radespiel, Petrobras
  • 1520-1538 35180
    Reuse of Flexiblepipes in Revitalization of Brown Fields
    W.C. Loureiro Junior, V. Gasparetto, F.P. dos Santos, G.C. Campello, A.H. da Silva, D.M. Rocha, S.C. Teixeira, E.G. Chaves, R.F. de Souza, Petrobras
  • 1540-1558 35159
    Integrity Management and Condition Performance Monitoring of Shallow Water Subsea Field Development in Malaysia
    F. Nasri Huang, M. Hashim, S. Omar, PETRONAS
  • 1600-1618 35066
    Exploring the Potential of Laser Technology in Oil Well Drilling: Recent Advances and Future Recommendations
    A. Gowida, S. Elkatatny, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

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